7 Quick Resume Tips to Catch a Recruiter's Eye in 2024

In today's competitive job market, your resume needs to stand out. Forbes contributor and former recruiter Bernadette Joy offers these seven tips to make your resume shine:

1. One-Page Wonder: Keep your resume concise - one page max.

   Example: Instead of detailed job descriptions, use bullet points for key achievements.

2. LinkedIn Link: Add your LinkedIn profile at the top of your resume.

   Example: "John Doe | linkedin.com/in/johndoe"

3. Skip the Summary: Start with your experience and work history.

   Example: Begin with "Professional Experience" section, listing your most recent job first.

4. Recent is Relevant: Focus on your last 10 years of experience.

   Example: For older jobs, use a brief "Earlier Career" section with minimal details.

5. Quantify Achievements: Use numbers to showcase your impact.

   Example: "Increased sales by 30%" or "Managed a team of 5 developers"

6. Power Verbs: Use strong action words to describe your accomplishments.

   Example: Replace "used" with "implemented," "made" with "created," "helped" with "facilitated"

7. Expert Review: Have a career coach or recruiter proofread your resume.

   Example: Ask them, "What key skills or experiences stand out to you in 30 seconds?"

Remember, your resume is often your first impression. Make every word count!

*Inspired by Bernadette Joy's article on Forbes. For more career advice, visit Forbes.com.*

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